Dr. Gwenn Rosenberg

Payment for visits


Two options for payment

Option 1: Membership

Membership fee of $144 per month

  • Medically necessary visits which will be scheduled in the same way they are scheduled now. 

  • Up to 3 personal email questions per month

  • Same-day scheduled callbacks for urgent matters and routine callbacks scheduled within 2 days.

  • Members can attend sessions live or watch recordings through the member portal.  Members will also have access to the online library of past workshops, classes and events.

  • Minors will be covered if their parent or guardian is an active member.  This takes into account that children should maintain a primary care pediatrician.

Option 2: Fee-for-service:

If you prefer not to use the membership-based program, you can still see me in the office and the fees will be:

$250 for first visit (45-60 minutes)

 $115 for 15 minute follow-up visit

 $160 for 25 minute follow-up visit 

 $220 for 45 minute follow-up visit 

Payment is expected at the time of your appointment. If you are not a member, we will give you a claim that you can submit to insurance for out-of-network reimbursement. Non-member fees will apply to phone calls based on time and email questions between visits will be billed at $10 for each question.

Workshops, Classes, and Visits Member Option
Every month
Every year

Membership with visits includes up to 20 standard medical appointments with Dr. Gwenn per year, up to three email communications per month, and same-day callbacks for urgent matters. Minors will be covered if their parent or guardian is an active member. This takes into account that children should maintain a primary care pediatrician. This option also includes access to all workshops, classes, and videos.

Access and sponsorships:

If you are facing financial hardship or cannot afford the full membership fee, please let us know and we will work with you to find an affordable price. 

If you would like to sponsor a membership so that this healthcare community is accessible to everyone, we will have an option to contribute to the fund for financial assistance. Our clinic will match contributions.


Check Our Frequently Asked Questions